25th Annual Medico Legal Congress
25 et 26 Février 2016

The medico-legal landscape in Australia and internationally has seen many major reforms over the past 25 years and this congress has featured an impressive line-up of expert speakers during this time, as well as covering a vast range of complex medico legal issues and also broader health law issues.
As one of the longest running events in Informa Australia’s history, it brings together medical and legal professionals from around the country to facilitate discussion and debate on current medico-legal challenges and enables the development of better risk management strategies.
2016 Speaker Faculty includes:
•The Hon Geoffrey Davies AO
•Professor David Isaacs, Senior Staff Specialist, Department of Infectious Diseases & Microbiology, Clinical Professor in Paediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Sydney & the Westmead Children’s Hospital Sydney
•Ebony Birchall, Lawyer, Slater and Gordon Lawyers and PhD Student, University of Wollongong
•Denise Bowen, Manager Mediation & Legal Services, Child & Adolescent Health Service, Perth Western Australia
•Bill Madden, National Practice Group Leader – Medical Law, Accredited Specialist in Personal Injury Law, Slater and Gordon Lawyers
•Associate Professor Tina Cockburn, Australian Centre for Health Law Research, QUT Faculty of Law, Brisbane
•Alec Welsh, Professor in Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of New South Wales, Royal Hospital for Women
•David Hirsch, Barrister, Selbourne Chambers
•Zara Officer, Health, Aged Care & Life Sciences, Holman Webb Lawyers
•Associate Professor Eleanor Milligan, Griffith University, School of Medicine
•Mr Peter Hamilton, Griffith University, School of Medicine
•Janine McIlwraith, Principal Lawyer, Slater & Gordon (Melbourne)
•Karen Kumar, Partner, Hicksons Lawyers
•Toby Biddle, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright
•Louise Cantrill, Partner, Henry Davis York
This year’s highlights include:
•KEYNOTE OPENING ADDRESS | Identifying Incompetent Surgeons: A Collective Failure to Learn from Public Inquiries
•Systemic Failures’ Leading to Multiple Fatalities and Injuries
•Lessons Learnt from the Quakers Hill Coronial Inquest
•The Perils of Predicting Future Unprofessionalism in Medical Students
•Withdrawal of Treatment – What are the Rights of Clinicians versus the Rights of Patients and Family Members?
•Can you blame the Tools? Doctors’ Liability and Medical Device Issues
•The Case of Mules v Ferguson Relating to Delayed Diagnosis of Meningitis and the Peer Professional Defence
•Nano-Medicine – A Macro Medico-Legal Risk?
•Tough Decisions – Treatment Limiting in a Paediatric Environment
•The Relationship between Healthcare Staff and Detention Centres in Light of the Recent Law Reform Preventing Staff from Speaking Publicly about Concerns Regarding Treatment in Detention Centres
•Conducting a Psychiatric Assessment and Requirements to be met for Involuntary Detention versus Principle of Least Restrictive Practices