Congrès d’Automne
du 5 au 6 Novembre 2015
Renaissance Manchester City Centre Hotel
Blackfriars Street
Cette conférence fera le point sur l’état d’avancement et le futur de la Recherche et Développement dans le domaine des sciences forensiques.
Jeudi 5 Novembre 2015
08.00 Registration
09.20 Opening address: Tom Nelson, President, The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
Chair of sessions: Dr Ann Priston, Immediate Past President, The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
09.30 Plenary session: “Ring the changes, no need for miscarriages of expertise” – John Coster van Voorhout LL.M, Appeal court Judge & Chairman of the Board of Court Experts, Dutch Register of Court Experts
10.00 Forensic innovation – a response to terrorism through the years: Detective Chief Inspector Dominic Murphy, Head of Digital Investigations, Metropolitan Police
11.00 Refreshments, sponsors and posters
11.30 Investigating the cause of failure of lashing gear on-board a vessel: Dr Sophie Parsons, Forensic Engineer, HFS-Asia
12.00 The identification of emotions from gait: Professor Ivan Birch, Consultant Expert Witness, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
12.30 Lunch
Afternoon workshops
13.30 Scene and Fingerprint validations – the ground truth and nothing but the truth: Joanne Tierney, Fingerprint Lead Scientist and Adele Martin, Lead Scientist, Scene Examination, SPA Forensic Services
Botany, Palynology, and Mycology: Intelligence and evidence from corpses, exhibits, soils and other materials: Professor Patricia Wiltshire, Visiting Professor, Southampton University/Royal Botanic Garden, Kew & Professor David Hawksworth CBE, Royal Botanic Garden, Kew/Natural History Museum
New Age, New Challenges: Professor John Walker, Visiting Professor, Nottingham Trent University
15.30 Refreshments, sponsors and posters
15.50 Fingerprints and DNA as solvability factors in volume crime investigations – Dr Paul Smith, Senior Lecturer and Course Leader, University of Portsmouth, Terry Lowe, Hampshire Constabulary and Richard Kappend, University of Portsmouth
16.00 Panel discussion: Change for Justice (chaired by Brian Rankin)
19.00 Presidential speech: Tom Nelson, President, The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
19.30 Annual Awards Black Tie Dinner
Vendredi 6 Novembre 2015
08.30 Registration
Chair of sessions: Callum Sutherland, Conference Convenor/Vice President, The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
09.30 Plenary session: title tbc: Mary Calam, Director General, Crime and Policing Group, Home Office
10.00 Back to the future – forensic temporal analysis and the cold case: Howard Atkin, CEO, d3 Informatics
11.00 Refreshments, sponsors and posters
11.30 Research, quality & continuous improvement in forensic science: Dr Gillian Tully, Forensic Science Regulator
12.00 Chemical profiling of fingerprints using Mass Spectrometry – challenges and opportunities for forensic science: Dr Melanie Bailey, Lecturer in Forensic Analysis, University of Surrey
12.30 The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences AGM (Members only)
12.30 Lunch
Afternoon workshops
13.30 Sampling for trace evidence at point of entries: can we improve this? – Dr Claire Gwinnett, Principal Lecturer and Researcher in Forensic Science, Staffordshire University & Professor Andrew Jackson, leader of Forensic and Crime Science at Staffordshire University
Challenges and opportunities in drug analysis: Dr Felicity Carlysle, Knowledge Transfer Manager/Forensic Science Special Interest Group Coordinator, Forensic Science Special Interest Group, The knowledge Transfer Network
15.30 Refreshments, sponsors and posters
15.45 Blood, sweat and tears – body fluid project at Foster + Freeman: Yvonne Tuner, Consultant Forensic Scientist, Foster and Freeman Ltd
16.15 Closing remarks & presentation for best poster: Tom Nelson, President, The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences
16.30 Close of conference
Annual Awards Black Dinner
As a ceremonial event to formally recognise the achievements of others, the dress code on the evening will be black tie or formal dress.
The evening will commence at 7.00pm with an address from the Society’s President Tom Nelson. The following Annual Awards will be presented on the evening:-
PW Allen Award – presented for the most meritorious paper or dissertation published in 2014 volumes of Science and Justice.
Postgraduate Diploma – for candidates who have passed a diploma in the forensic disciplines of firearms examination, identity documents, document examination, fire investigation & crime scene examination.
Accreditation and Recognition Scheme
Undergraduate Award – for the most meritorious student on an accredited undergraduate forensic course.
Postgraduate Award – for the most meritorious student on an accredited postgraduate forensic course.
The Dr Ann Priston Award for Excellence in Casework