7 et 8 Juillet 2016
Bundeswehr University

Pour la 15ème année consécutive, les experts en cybersécurité européens se réuniront autour de conférences sur le cyber terrorisme, les cyber conflits, la cybsersécurité et les infrastructures nécessaires pour s’en protéger.
Quand une cyberattaque est-elle considérée comme un conflit armé ?
Conférences en langue anglaise
Des ateliers sont organisés la veille : une nouveauté !
Parmi les conférences organisées :
Military Strategy as a Guide for Cyber Security
Church Allen, MITRE, McClean, USA- High Performance Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems: A Survey
Potluri Sasanka and Christian Diedrich, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany - Intrusion detection in Cyber Physical Systems Based on Process Modelling
Holczer Tamás, András Gazdag and György Miru, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
It is now 15 years since the European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS) was established. It has been held in Finland, Estonia, Greece, Portugal, England, The Netherlands to mention only a few of the countries which have hosted it. This conferences attracts an interesting combination of academic scholars, military personnel, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of the cyber security community. ECCWS is generally attended by participants from more than 30 countries. The Journal of Information Warfare regularly publishes a number of the papers presented at this conference.
ECCWS 2016 is being held at the Bundeswehr University, Munich, Germany where the Conference Chair is Prof. Dr. Gabi Dreo Rodosek.
A recent addition to this conference are the Workshops which are held on the day preceding the conference